Invitation and Documents
Invitation to the General Meeting of CECONOMY AG on 26 February 2025
Invitation, including agenda and further information
PDF 1,7 MBInformation pursuant to § 125 AktG in conjunction with Implementing Regulation (EU) 2018/1212
PDF 112 KB -
Annual Report 2023/24 - Consolidated Financial Statements of CECONOMY AG
Approved consolidated financial statements for the 2023/24 financial year with the combined management report for CECONOMY AG and the CECONOMY Group, the non-financial report for the CECONOMY Group as well as the report of the Supervisory Board
Annual Financial Statements of CECONOMY AG 2023/24
Adopted annual financial statements of CECONOMY AG for the 2023/24 financial year
Shareholdings of CECONOMY AG as of 30 September 2024 in accordance with § 313 German Commercial Code
Shareholdings of CECONOMY AG as of 30 September 2024 in accordance with § 313 German Commercial Code
Declaration on Corporate Governance 2024
Declaration on Corporate Governance 2024
Information with regard to agenda item 6 (Supervisory Board elections)
Information on the resolution proposals of the Supervisory Board for the elections for the Supervisory Board:
- CV Ms Katrin Adt
- CV Ms Doreen Huber
- CV Mr Jürgen Kellerhals
- CV Mr Peter Kimpel
- CV Ms Sabine Nitzsche
Information with regard to agenda item 7 (approval remuneration report)
Remuneration report for the 2023/24 financial year and auditor's statement
Further explanations on the rights of shareholders
Further explanations on the shareholders' rights pursuant to §§ 122 (2), 126 (1), 127, 131 German Stock Corporation Act
Articles of Association of CECONOMY AG
Version: 14 February 2024
All documents mentioned and made available above are non-binding convenience translations. In all cases the German language version shall prevail.
Travel and safety instructions
Here you will find important information on travelling to the Annual General Meeting and on security measures.
You can access the InvestorPortal here.
There, duly registered shareholders can issue, amend or revoke authorisations and instructions to the proxies nominated by the company as well as authorisations for the exercise of shareholder rights to third parties. The necessary access data for the InvestorPortal will be sent together with the admission ticket.
For technical questions regarding the InvestorPortal, our general meeting service provider is available at
Tel.: +49 (0)89 30903-6330 (Monday to Friday, from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. CET)
Proxy Voting and power of attorney
Form for proxy voting and granting power of attorney to third parties:
Livestream of CEO speech
On the day of the Annual General Meeting, you can follow the Annual General Meeting live here from 10.00 a.m. CET until the end of the speech by the Management Board of CECONOMY AG, even without access to the InvestorPortal.
- Test video
Prior to the General Meeting we provide a test video which allows you to check if your computer system is properly configured for the live broadcast.
- Text of the speech of the Management Board (pre-version)
available no later than 18 February 2025.
Past General Meetings
You can find speeches, invitations and voting results from general meetings of past years in the online archive: Go to the archive