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Corporate Governance

Our corporation and its legal bodies – the Management Board, the Supervisory Board and the General Assembly – are governed by German stock corporation law, the acts determining the co-determination and capital market regulation as well as the rules of the company’s statutes and the bylaws which the Management Board and the Supervisory Board enacted.

Furthermore, the German Corporate Governance Code applies to CECONOMY AG. Management Board and Supervisory Board are obliged according to Sec. 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act to state on a yearly basis that the recommendations of German Corporate Governance Code have been adhered to and are adhered to or which recommendations have not been applied or are not applied and why not (“Comply or Explain”). Pursuant to the bylaws of the Supervisory Board, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board orient themselves towards the recommendations of the German Corporate Governance Code and deviate from the recommendations of the Code only in justified exceptional cases.

Together, the individual rules make CECONOMY AG’s corporate governance. Here, we will provide the essential corporate documents as well as the statements with regard to the corporate governance for you.

Corporate Governance Declarations

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